I want to buy my partner out of our shared ownership home
You need to contact your mortgage provider and seek independent legal advice.
You need to put your intent to transfer the ownership in writing and we must consent to the transfer too.
We require the following information from you:
- Name(s) of the current leaseholder(s)
- Full property address
- Percentage share currently owned
- Confirmation that it is the seller’s intention transfer ownership
- Name of person ownership is transferring to
- Solicitor details and contact information for both parties
- Mortgage provider and contact information
Send this to us via email at resales@futureshg.co.uk. Alternatively, you can post a letter to Futures Housing Group, PO Box 141, Innovation House, Coniston Court, Blyth, NE24 9FQ.
Further information from Citizens Advice on buying and selling a home can be found here.