My mixer shower isn't working properly

Mixer showers usually look like a metal bar, with a lever or handle one side to turn the water on, and a thermostat on the other side to control the temperature. Electric showers have to be turned on via a pull cord and are usually a white box. They are switched on using a button on the front. If you think yours is an electric shower click here.

Mixer shower isn’t working or there are temperature issues

First, check your thermostat is turned up, or try turning it up to maximum and see if this resolves the issue.

The shower is leaking

If the leak is coming from the hose or head, try tightening the join the leak is coming from.

If there is a fault with the shower head or hose, it is your responsibility to repair or replace it. Shower heads should be changed on a like for like basis.

Riser rail fault

We won’t come out to change the height of your riser rail, so you’ll need to adjust this yourself. If there is any other fault or it’s broken, report a repair.

How do I report a repair?

You can report a repair to us at anytime, anywhere using My Account or contact us via Live Chat. Let us know when reporting that you’ve followed the advice and what you’ve tried to get it working, this helps us to assess what to do next to get the right person for the job.

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