One or two radiators wont turn off but not all

One or two radiators won’t turn off but not all

This is likely to be an issue with the thermostatic radiator valve (TRV).

Thermostatic radiator valves work on room temperature, not the temperature of the radiator. The higher the valve is set the longer the radiator will stay on and heat the room up to a higher temperature. If you set the valve low, it should shut off sooner and the room temperature should stay cooler.

Try turning the thermostatic valve completely off. This should turn the radiator off, and it should go cold.

It is also possible to turn the radiator off using the lock shield valve at the other end of the radiator. These will usually have a plastic cover on the top, which you need to remove first. Then you need to turn the valve in a clockwise direction using a spanner or pliers until it stops. This should turn off the radiator. If this doesn't work, report a repair.

Some radiators won’t have a thermostat on them. These are usually when the radiator is in the same space as the room thermostat or on very old systems. If the radiator is in the same space as the room thermostat, it should be always left on, to keep the central heating system working.