I have received a Notice to Quit, what does this mean?

What is a Notice to Quit?

A notice to quit is a notice from a landlord that informs the customer they intend to take legal possession of the property. They are issued if the landlord believes the property is not being used as the customers only home, the property is occupied by someone without a tenancy agreement with the landlord or upon the death of a customer whereby the tenancy cannot be legally ended.

The customer has abandoned the property

We can issue a notice to quit if we believe a customer has left their property and is now living elsewhere. The housing list is always growing in the UK and properties that are not being used as a home stop housing associations like us from providing help to those that need it.

If we notice someone has moved out of one of our properties without informing us, we can issue a Notice to Quit which gives the customer a four week notice before the end of the tenancy. If the customer does not notify us that they are currently occupying or intend to occupy the property in the future, we have the power to take possession of the property without any further proceedings. 

However, the former customer may apply to the District Court within 6 months for the termination to be reconsidered.

Occupiers who are not customers

If someone who is not entitled to a tenancy is occupying a property, a landlord can apply to the District Court for a possession order. If someone is living in a property without a tenancy agreement, we have no way of ensuring the home is being kept in liveable conditions without overcrowding. 

The landlord will always commit to protecting the identity of anyone who informed them of the occupation. If you believe someone is living in a property without a tenancy, then check this page for how to contact us.

Death of a customer

Sometimes a notice to quit is issued after a customer dies and the occupier isn’t listed as a successor. You can read more about what succession tenancies are and how you can apply for one here.

What should I do if I have received one?

If you have received a Notice to Quit, it is important to get some independent legal advice. The Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to assist you with this. You can find your local service here Contact us - Citizens Advice

You can also check for free or affordable legal advice here Finding free or affordable legal help - Citizens Advice

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