How can I contact you?

If you’ve been unable to find the answer to your query using the Help Hub and you need to get in touch, here’s how you can contact us. 

I have an urgent or emergency repair 

In an emergency – for example, if your smoke alarm isn’t working or your home is at risk of flooding due to a serious leak – always call us on 0300 456 2531. 

I need to raise a repair, pay my rent, or update my information

You can do all this through our online portal, My Account

You can also rearrange and cancel any repairs. 

I want to check when my repair appointment is booked for

You can visit our online repairs checker at any time to check your appointment. It will list all active repairs at your address, and includes the type of repair booked, the date and time it is scheduled for, and the team attending.

You will receive a text message during your chosen timeslot on the day of your appointment, when the repairs team are on their way. For example, if you have chosen the 9.30am slot to avoid the school run, our team could arrive any time from 9:30am-3:30pm. 

I would like to live chat or contact you on social media

Our website also has an option to start a live chat with a real customer service agent. You can access this by clicking the orange button at the bottom of our homepage.

We can also be found on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Please never report an emergency over social media, as these channels are only monitored during working hours. 

I want another way to contact you

You can also get in touch via the form on our website here which will ensure we have all the information necessary to start dealing with your enquiry: Futures Housing Group: customer enquiries form - Futures Housing Group

You can also contact us by phone (0300 456 2531) or by post to the following address:

Customer Services Team

Futures Housing Group

PO Box 141

Innovation House

Coniston Court


NE24 9FQ

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