I've lost my key fob
We will charge you for a replacement key fob and need to take payment for this over the phone before we send you a new one. The cost varies depending on what type of key fob it is and what property you live in, but usually ranges between £10 and £50.
When you report your lost key fob, let us know what colour it is and what it’s used for – for example, gate entry or communal door entry.
How do I report this?
You can call or email us to report. Make sure you have the following information ready.
- What’s your address?
- What colour key fob have you lost?
- What do you use your key fob for? For example, front door, car park etc.
- How many have you lost?
- Do you have another way of access?
Give us a call on 0300 456 2531 if it’s urgent and you can’t access your home or contact us via Live Chat including all the above information.