How do I report my neighbours untidy garden?
Overgrown garden
We know it can look untidy when someone’s garden is overgrown. Before making a referral to us, consider if there anything you could do to help your neighbour with their garden. They may not have any equipment to do it themselves or be unable to reach some hedges.
You can report this to us using our online form or by emailing the information to us at
Please include the following information.
- Is it on the front or back garden or both?
- What is overgrown? (grass, trees, hedges, bushes, brambles)
- How long has it been like this?
- What impact is it having on the surroundings/neighbours/customer?
Rubbish on the garden
Please provide us with the following information when making your referral:
- What kind rubbish is it?
- How long has it been there?
- How much is there?
You can report this to us using our online form or by emailing the information to us at
If there is any hazardous waste, or you have concerns about vermin or pests, please refer this directly to your local council’s environmental health team. You can find your local council by clicking here.
What we’ll do
When we receive your query, it will be triaged by the customer services team to make sure you’ve provided all the information we need, and then it will be passed to a communities officer for investigation. They will get in touch with you within 5 working days.