I'm having problems with the oil supply or there's a leak

If you’re having any issues with your boiler then click here for the advice. 

If you suspect or know there’s an oil leak, you need to isolate the oil supply on the emergency shut off valve, which should be at the bottom of the oil tank. Also turn off all your oil appliances. Give us a call to report this immediately.

If the boiler isn’t working because you’ve run out of oil, you need to contact your oil supplier.

When the oil supply has been re-established, you need to give us a call to report this so we can attend to get your boiler working.

A broken oil gauge should not affect the operation of the boiler or the oil supply, but this should still be reported to us so we can fix it.

How do I report a repair?

You can report a repair to us at anytime, anywhere using My Account or contact us via Live Chat. Let us know when reporting that you’ve followed the advice and what you’ve tried to get it working, this helps us to assess what to do next to get the right person for the job.

If there’s an oil leak or you’ve just re-established your oil supply, give us a call on 0300 456 2531 to report it so we can get one someone out as soon as possible.

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