Its only one or two lights or the fluorescent tube light not working

It’s only one or two standard type lights not working

This is likely to be the bulb. You need to make sure the light switch is turned off and change the bulb. You should use good quality light bulbs. Poor quality bulbs are likely to keep blowing.

Please try this before you contact us, to make sure the issue is not related to a faulty bulb. If you are struggling, you should ask a family member, friend, or neighbour if they can help you.

Fluorescent tube lights - If the light is a fluorescent type (as below), please do not attempt to change this yourself. We will attend to repair (or replace if necessary) all issues with fluorescent tube lights. This includes the compact (curled) type sometimes found in bathroom light fittings).

We do not attend to re-fix or replace the fluorescent plastic light covers (diffuser). 

How do I report a repair?

You can report a repair to us at anytime, anywhere using My Account or contact us via Live Chat. Let us know when reporting that you’ve followed the advice and what you’ve tried to get it working, this helps us to assess what to do next to get the right person for the job.

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