communal or emergency lighting not working

Communal lighting isn’t working

When reporting any communal light(s) that aren’t working please tell us where the lights are, and which ones aren’t working and the property number they are outside or closest to. If you include your contact details too, we can let you know when we will come out to repair it.

Emergency lighting isn’t working

Emergency lighting is the green lighting that tells you where to exit in the event of an emergency. This isn’t the same as any outdoor lights that might not be working. When reporting the repair, please include which light and where in the building it is.

How do I report a repair?

You can report a repair to us at anytime, anywhere using My Account or contact us via Live Chat. Let us know when reporting that you’ve followed the advice and what you’ve tried to get it working, this helps us to assess what to do next to get the right person for the job.

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