What can I do about car parking issues?

Parking on a public highway or residential street

We understand you would like to park outside or as near to your house as possible, and being unable to find a space or finding someone has parked in your usual spot can be frustrating. However, if you live on a residential street or road, there isn’t anything that we can do about who parks there. You might have discussed parking with your neighbours previously but there is no enforcement action we can take against anyone parking on a general street.

If a vehicle is causing an obstruction or blocking your driveway, try to have a chat with your neighbour first and see if it can be moved. If necessary, you can report this to the police Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) on 101 to review any necessary parking instructions. Further information about parking and the highway code can be found here.

Parking in an allocated car parking space

We would encourage you to speak to your neighbour in the first instance, in case they were not aware this was an allocated space or to let any visitors know they shouldn’t park there. If you have persistent problems with someone using your space, then you can let us know by filling in our online form or by emailing the information over to us at enquiries@futureshg.co.uk.

If you have a blue badge parking bay outside or close to your property, then legally any blue badge holder can use this space.

Caravan or large vehicle parked on a driveaway

You can let us know if there is a large vehicle or caravan being kept on a driveway by filling in our online form or by emailing the information over to us at enquiries@futureshg.co.uk.

What we’ll do

When we receive your query, it will be triaged by the customer services team to make sure you’ve provided all the information we need, and then it will be passed to a neighbourhood officer for investigation. They will get in touch with you within 5 working days.

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